Radhika Sarathi Kumar looked stunning in a yellow sequence saree for Vijay TV’s ‘Kathanayagi’, a program to search for the next heroines in the Tamil film industry. The saree was a beautiful shade of yellow and had a subtle sequence pattern all over it. Radhika paired the saree with a full-sleeved blouse that had design patterns on it. She opted for elegant makeup with red lipstick and accessorized with a green necklace with floral design stud earrings, a gold plated ring with green agate & green bindi.

Radhika Sarath Kumar - Yellow Sequence Saree

The saree was a perfect choice for the event as it was both elegant and glamorous. The sequence pattern added a touch of luxury to the saree, while the full-sleeved blouse gave it a more formal look. The makeup was perfect for the event as it was understated but still highlighted Radhika’s features. The jewelry was also well-chosen and complemented the saree perfectly.

Radhika Sarath Kumar - Yellow Sequence Saree

Radhika looked absolutely stunning in the saree and she definitely turned heads at the event. 

Here are some more details about Radhika Sarathi Kumar’s outfit:

  • Saree: Yellow sequence saree with floral design

  • Blouse: Full-sleeved blouse with design patterns

  • Jewelry: A green necklace with floral design stud earrings, a gold plated ring with green agate & green bindi

  • Makeup: Elegant makeup with red lipstick

Radhika Sarath Kumar - Yellow Sequence Saree

Source: Instagram

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