South Indian actress Manjula Paritala recently took to social media to share a few pictures of herself in a beautiful blue Banarasi Tusser Silk Saree. The saree is made of a fine silk fabric with a delicate zari weave. The color of the saree is a deep blue that complements Manjula’s fair skin tone. The saree is paired with a green blouse that matches the border of the saree.
Manjula accessorized her look with golden jewelry, including a necklace, earrings, and bangles. She also opted for a traditional puff braided hairdo. The overall look is traditional yet elegant, and Manjula looks absolutely stunning in it.
Here are some more details about the saree and blouse:
- The saree is made of Banarasi Tusser Silk, which is a fine and delicate fabric.
- The zari weave on the saree is delicate and intricate.
- The color of the saree is a deep blue.
- The blouse is made of green silk and is a simple design.
- Manjula has accessorized her look with golden jewelry, including a necklace, earrings, and bangles.
- She has also opted for a traditional puff braided hairdo.
Manjula’s look is perfect for a formal event or a special occasion. It is elegant and sophisticated, yet still understated. The saree is a beautiful piece of clothing, and Manjula wears it beautifully.
Here are some tips on how to style a blue Banarasi saree:
- For a formal event, you can pair the saree with a heavy silk blouse and statement jewelry.
- For a more casual look, you can pair the saree with a simple cotton blouse and sandals.
- You can also layer the saree over a long skirt or pants for a more modern look.
No matter how you style it, a blue Banarasi saree is sure to turn heads. So if you’re looking for a beautiful and versatile saree, this is definitely a style to consider.
Here is a collection of pictures of this beautiful actress:
Source: Instagram