South Indian actress Mirna Menon recently took to Instagram to share a few photos of herself in a beautiful organza saree. The saree is a light pink color with a beaded border, and it is paired with a simple, yet elegant blouse. Mirna opted for minimal makeup, and she accessorized with green stone embellished earrings.
The photos quickly went viral, and Mirna’s fans were quick to praise her for her stunning look. Many commented on how the saree flattered her figure, and how her makeup was flawless. Others simply said that she looked “beautiful” or “stunning.”
Mirna’s organza saree look is a great example of how to dress up for a special occasion without being too over-the-top. The saree is elegant and sophisticated, but it is also light and airy, making it perfect for the warmer weather. The beaded border adds a touch of glamour, and the simple blouse keeps the look understated.
If you are looking for a saree to wear to a wedding, a party, or any other special occasion, Mirna’s organza saree look is a great inspiration. The saree is versatile and can be dressed up or down, and it is sure to turn heads.
Here are some tips for styling an organza saree like Mirna Menon:
Choose a light and airy saree in a pastel color.
Pair the saree with a simple, yet elegant blouse.
Opt for minimal makeup.
Accessorize with statement earrings or a necklace.
With these tips, you can easily recreate Mirna Menon’s stunning organza saree look. So what are you waiting for? Start shopping for your perfect saree today!
Here are some additional tips for looking good in an organza saree:
Avoid pleated pallu while wearing organza saree. The organza fabric tends to be stiff, so pleated pallu might not look good. So it’s better to keep the pallu open.
Keep the number of pleats in mind as organza saree will expand with every pleat.
Avoid wearing heavy jewelry with organza saree. The fabric is already quite delicate, so heavy jewelry will weigh it down and make it look bulky.
If you are wearing a solid colored organza saree, you can add some interest by wearing a printed blouse.
If you are wearing a printed organza saree, you can keep the blouse simple to avoid looking too busy.
With these tips, you can look your best in an organza saree. So go ahead and experiment with different styles and colors to find the perfect look for you.
Source: Instagram