Actress Shivani Narayan recently shared a series of pictures on her Instagram, where she can be seen stunning in an organza saree. The pictures were taken on a beach, and the actress captioned them “Sand and Sky.”
In the pictures, Shivani can be seen wearing a light blue organza saree with a sleeveless white blouse. The saree is draped in a simple yet elegant way, and the actress looks absolutely stunning in it. Her hair is styled in a loose, and she is wearing minimal makeup.
The pictures have been a hit with Shivani’s fans, and they have been flooding the comment section with compliments. “You look absolutely gorgeous,” one fan wrote. “This is such a beautiful saree,” another fan commented.
Here are some tips on how to style an organza saree:
- Choose a saree in a light color, such as light blue, pink, or green.
- Pair the saree with a simple blouse in a contrasting color.
- Keep the jewelry simple and understated.
- Wear your hair in a loose braid or bun.
- Apply minimal makeup.
With these tips, you can easily style an organza saree and look like a million bucks!
Source: Instagram