Veteran actress Shobana looked stunning in a lavender silk saree for the Mazhavil Manorama Entertainment Awards 2023. The saree had a simple yet elegant design, with a plain body and a yellow polka dot on the body & yellow border. Shobana paired the saree with a pink short-sleeved blouse in the same color. The blouse had a sweetheart neckline and a three-quarter sleeve.
Shobana accessorized her look with a golden kada, a nose ring, and antique earrings. She also wore a maroon bindi on her forehead and a black kajal on her eyes. Her hair was styled in a traditional updo adorned with white flowers.
Shobana’s lavender silk saree look was perfect for the event. The light color of the saree was flattering to her skin tone, and the polka dots added a touch of a modern twist. Shobana’s accessories were also perfect for the look. The golden kada and nose ring added a touch of glamour, while the antique earrings added a touch of vintage charm.
Overall, Shobana looked stunning in her lavender silk saree look for the Mazhavil Manorama Entertainment Awards 2023.
She is a true inspiration for women who are looking for stylish and elegant outfits for a special occasion.
Source: Instagram