Pavani Gangireddy, a popular Indian actress and model, recently shared a series of pictures on Instagram in which she is seen wearing a red silk saree. The saree is paired with a black sleeveless V-neck blouse and a side split straight fall. She accessorized her look with dangler earrings and vintage shoes.
The pictures have been a hit with her fans, who have been praising her for her beauty and style. Many have commented that she looks “stunning” and “gorgeous” in the saree.
Pavani is known for her love of fashion and often shares her latest looks on social media. She is a trendsetter and her fans always look forward to seeing what she will wear next.
In this particular look, Pavani has opted for a traditional Indian saree, but she has given it a modern twist by pairing it with a sleeveless blouse and statement earrings. The side split straight fall adds a touch of edge to the look, while the vintage shoes give it a retro feel.
The overall effect is a stunning and sophisticated look that is perfect for any occasion. Pavani is sure to turn heads wherever she goes in this saree.
Here are some of the comments from her fans:
“You look stunning in red!”
“I love the way you’ve styled the saree. It’s so modern and stylish.”
“You’re a trendsetter, Pavani! I can’t wait to see what you wear next.”