Pragna Jaiswal was spotted wearing a pink saree from Anavila’s Morakasi series.

Pragna Jaiswal in Red Satin Saree

The pink hues on the Linen saree with the satin border’s body give the basic garment its attractiveness despite its simplicity. Additionally, its pallus and hem are also embellished with silver zari. The only designs or motifs on the matching deep-necked pink satin top, which she wore with the saree, were its zari accents.

Pragna Jaiswal in Red Satin Saree

Her only jewelry was a set of emerald-studded House of Shikha earrings.

Pragna Jaiswal in Red Satin Saree

Her attractiveness was enhanced by a high ponytail, sculpted cheeks, winged eyes, and soft lips.

Pragna Jaiswal in Red Satin Saree

Source: Instagram

Ethereal in Florals | Keerthy Suresh Linen Prints Saree

Purple Love | Pragya Jaiswal in Kanchipuram Narayani Silk Saree




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