Actor-turned-politician Ramya Nambeessan recently took to Instagram to share a stunning photo of herself in a golden netted saree. The saree was matched with a netted full-sleeve designer blouse, and Ramya accessorized with dangler earrings. She opted for a center-split, straight, falling hairdo.
The photo was captioned “Golden Hour,” and it quickly went viral, racking up over 100,000 likes. Fans and followers were quick to praise Ramya’s beauty and her sense of style.
“You look absolutely stunning,” one fan commented. “The saree is so beautiful, and you wear it so well.”
Another fan said, “I love the way you’ve accessorized with the dangler earrings. They really complete the look.”
Ramya’s photo is a reminder that sometimes, all you need is a simple outfit to look your best. The golden saree is a classic piece that can be dressed up or down, and it’s sure to turn heads no matter where you go.
Here are some tips for styling a golden saree like Ramya Nambeessan:
Choose a saree with a simple design. You don’t want the saree to be too busy, as it will take away from the beauty of the fabric.
Accessorize with simple jewelry. Dangler earrings or a statement necklace will add just the right amount of sparkle.
Keep your hair simple. A center-split, straight, falling hairdo will let the saree be the star of the show.
With these tips in mind, you’re sure to look your best in a golden saree. So go ahead and give it a try!
In addition to her stunning looks, Ramya is also an inspiration to many people. She is a strong advocate for women’s rights, and she has spoken out against gender discrimination on several occasions. She is also a successful politician, and she is currently serving as the Member of Parliament for Mandya.
Ramya Nambeessan is a true inspiration, and she is an example of how beauty and brains can go hand-in-hand. She is a role model for women everywhere, and she is sure to continue to achieve great things in the years to come.
Source: Instagram