Veteran actress Deepti Bhatnagar is all set to make a glamorous comeback on the small screen with her appearance on The Kapil Sharma Show. The actress shared a few pictures of her look on Instagram, and she is looking stunning in a black saree with sequence work on the border.

The saree is a beautiful partywear saree that is perfect for the occasion. The sequence work on the border adds a touch of glamour, and the black color is elegant and timeless. The saree is paired with a designer sequence worked black sleeveless blouse.

Deepti Bhatnagar- Black Saree & The Kapil Sharma
Deepti Bhatnagar is an Indian actress, model, and television presenter.

Deepti has opted for elegant makeup, shining lipstick, red bindi & mehndi. She has accessorized with 3 Jhumka earrings & necklace. The overall look is stunning and glamorous, and it is sure to make a statement on The Kapil Sharma Show.

Deepti Bhatnagar is a veteran actress who has been in the industry for over 30 years. She has starred in many hit films and made her debut in the film “Ram Shastra(1998)”, she worked in various films in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, and Malayalam langue films. She is also a successful entrepreneur with multiple business ventures.

Her appearance on The Kapil Sharma Show is her first major television appearance in a while. She is sure to make a big splash on the show, and her fans are eagerly awaiting her return to the small screen.

Deepti Bhatnagar- Black Saree & The Kapil Sharma
She gained recognition as a model in the 1990s and was featured in numerous commercials and music videos.

In the caption of her Instagram post, Deepti wrote, “Coming soon 8th July watch me on The Kapil Sharma show on Sony TV at 9.30 pm.” She also shared a link to the show’s website, where fans can book tickets to watch her live.

The Kapil Sharma Show is one of the most popular comedy shows in India, and it is sure to give Deepti Bhatnagar a platform to showcase her talent. Her fans are excited to see her back on screen, and they are sure to tune in to the show to see her appearance.

Deepti Bhatnagar- Black Saree & The Kapil Sharma
Deepti produced TV serial ‘Kabhi Aaye Na Judaai’ in 2003 on StarPlus.

Deepti Bhatnagar- Black Saree & The Kapil Sharma
Deepti Bhatnagar got married to Randeep Arya & has two children
Deepti Bhatnagar- Black Saree & The Kapil Sharma
Deepti was born on 30 September 1967 in Meerut, UP

Source: Instagram

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