Telugu actress Roopa Koduvayur recently shared a few stills of herself in a yellow Banarasi saree on her social media. The saree had a red border and silver zari work. She paired it with a matching blouse and accessorized with a choker necklace and bangles. Her hair was styled in a ponytail.

Roopa looked absolutely stunning in the saree. The color yellow really complemented her skin tone and the zari work added a touch of elegance. The choker necklace and bangles further elevated her look. Her ponytail hairstyle was simple yet stylish.

Roopa Koduvayur - Yellow Banarasi Saree
Roopa Koduvayur is an Indian film actress, doctor, and classical dancer.

Roopa’s fans were quick to compliment her on her look. They flooded her comment section with fire emojis and heart emojis. Many of them also asked her where she got the saree from.

Roopa Koduvayur - Yellow Banarasi Saree
She is best known for her work in Telugu cinema.

Roopa is known for her elegant and sophisticated style. She often wears traditional Indian attire, but she also experiments with Western fashion. She is always up for trying new things and her fashion sense is always on point.

Roopa Koduvayur - Yellow Banarasi Saree
Roopa Koduvayur was born on 27th December 1996 in Vijayawada

Here are some of the comments from Roopa’s fans:

  • “What a vintage look madam!”

  • “Happy doctor’s day!”

  • “Eagerly waiting for the next movie releases. “

Roopa Koduvayur - Yellow Banarasi Saree
She studied MBBS from Katuri Medical College And Hospital

Roopa Koduvayur is a versatile actress who can pull off any look. She is a trendsetter and her fans always look forward to seeing what she will wear next.

Do you like Roopa Koduvayur’s yellow Banarasi saree? Let me know in the comments below!

Source: Instagram

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