Suhasini Maniratnam, a renowned Indian actress, director, and philanthropist, recently attended the ‘Meena-40’ celebration in a stunning printed saree & 3/4 sleeves boat-neck blouse. The actress’s choice of outfit quickly became a topic of discussion amongst netizens, who were left confused about the print pattern of her saree. Some suggested that it was reminiscent of a Mondrian painting, while others noted a Joan Miro-style print.
Meena-40 is a celebration of 40 years of the acting journey of prominent actress Meena.
Suhasini Maniratnam has always been known for her impeccable sense of style in sarees, and her choice of attire for the ‘Meena-40’ celebration was no exception. The printed saree that she wore was both elegant and stylish, with its unique print pattern catching the attention of saree enthusiasts and enthusiasts alike. The print was a striking combination of bold, vibrant colors that blended effortlessly together, creating a visually stunning design.
Despite the confusion surrounding the print pattern, everyone agreed on the fact that Suhasini looked absolutely stunning in her saree. The outfit was perfectly complemented by her choice of accessories, including a silver coin-embellished black jute sling bag and a long maxi necklace chain.
The silver coin-embellished jute sling bag added a touch of modernity to the otherwise traditional outfit. The bag’s intricate design and the combination of black and silver colors perfectly complemented the saree’s vibrant print. The maxi-long necklace chain, on the other hand, added a touch of elegance and sophistication to the overall look.
It’s no surprise that netizens were left wondering where Suhasini sourced her saree and accessories. Many were eager to know the brand or designer behind the outfit, with some even expressing interest in purchasing the saree for themselves. Unfortunately, the source of Suhasini’s outfit has not yet been revealed, leaving fans to speculate about where they might be able to find similar sarees.
Overall, Suhasini Maniratnam’s choice of outfit for the ‘Meena-40’ celebration was a testament to her impeccable sense of style. The actress effortlessly combined traditional and modern elements to create a look that was both elegant and fashion-forward. The striking print pattern of her saree, combined with her choice of accessories, made her the talk of the town and left everyone in awe of her fashion sense.