Tamil actress Tanya Ravichandran recently shared pictures of her bridal lehenga set on social media, and it has been taking the internet by storm. The lehenga set is made of gold embroidered fabric and features a stylish short-sleeved blouse with a square neckline. Tanya accessorized the lehenga set with a rose gold plated CZ ravishing necklace set embellished with mint pink crystals and opted for stud earrings. She completed the look with a stylish ponytail.
The lehenga set is a perfect example of traditional Indian bridal wear. The gold embroidery is exquisite and the blouse is flattering to the figure. The mint pink crystals in the necklace set add a touch of color and glamour. The overall look is elegant and timeless.
Tanya Ravichandran is known for her sense of style, and this bridal lehenga set is no exception. She has styled the lehenga set perfectly, and she looks absolutely stunning in it. The lehenga set is sure to be a hit with brides-to-be all over India.
Here are some tips for styling a bridal lehenga set:
Choose a lehenga set in a color that flatters your skin tone.
Pair the lehenga set with a blouse that is made from the same fabric as the lehenga.
Accessorize the lehenga set with traditional Indian jewelry, such as a necklace, earrings, and bangles.
Wear your hair in a simple style, such as a bun or a braid.
Apply light makeup to keep the focus on the lehenga set.
Here are some examples of how to wear a bridal lehenga set:
For a formal event, pair the lehenga set with high-heeled sandals and a statement necklace.
For a casual look, pair the lehenga set with flats or sandals and a simple necklace.
For a party look, pair the lehenga set with a sequined top and heels.
No matter how you style it, a bridal lehenga set is a surefire way to look your best on your wedding day. So get out there and start planning your dream look!
Source: Instagram