Dia Mirza looked absolutely sublime in her latest saree look for her wedding festivities. She chose a custom Rahul Mishra saree that perfectly highlighted her elegance and grace. The saree, named the ‘Padma’ saree, is a standout piece from Rahul Mishra’s Festive Couture collection.
The ‘Padma’ saree is hand-embroidered and features intricate detailing that showcases the designer’s signature craftsmanship. The noir tone of the saree adds a touch of sophistication and timelessness, making it a perfect choice for a special occasion like a wedding. Dia Mirza’s choice of this exquisite piece not only highlights her impeccable taste in fashion but also celebrates the rich tradition of Indian couture.
The combination of the saree’s elegant design and Dia Mirza’s natural poise resulted in a truly stunning look that will be remembered as one of the highlights of her wedding festivities.
Source: Instagram