South Indian actress Pragya Nagra recently took to Instagram to share a few photos of herself in a stunning black georgette saree. The saree featured a scalloped border and was paired with a sleeveless blouse. Pragya kept her makeup simple with red lipstick and red nail polish. Her hair was styled in a free messy bun, and she accessorized with oxidized butta earrings.

The photos quickly went viral, with fans and followers praising Pragya’s beauty and style. Many commented on how the saree flattered her figure and how the scalloped border added a touch of elegance to the look. Others complimented Pragya’s makeup and hair, saying that she looked effortlessly beautiful.

Pragya Nagra - Black Georgette Saree
Pragya was born on 14 December 1998 Ambala (Haryana)

This is not the first time that Pragya has wowed fans with her sartorial choices. The actress is known for her love of traditional Indian wear and often shares photos of herself in stunning sarees and lehengas. She is also a fan of experimenting with different styles and colors, and she always looks confident and stylish in whatever she wears.

Here are some tips on how to recreate Pragya Nagra’s look:

  • Choose a black georgette saree with a scalloped border.
  • Pair the saree with a sleeveless blouse in a contrasting color, such as red or pink.
  • Keep your makeup simple with red lipstick and red nail polish.
  • Style your hair in a free messy bun.
  • Accessorize with oxidized butta earrings.

Pragya Nagra - Black Georgette Saree
Pragya Nagra did her Engineering & also a member of the National Cadet Corps (NCC) during her studies

With these tips, you can easily recreate Pragya Nagra’s look and look stunning in a black georgette saree.

Here are some additional details about the saree that Pragya Nagra wore:

  • The saree is made of georgette fabric, which is a lightweight and flowing fabric that is perfect for summer.
  • The saree has a black base with a scalloped border in a contrasting color.
  • The blouse is sleeveless and has a sweetheart neckline.
  • Pragya accessorized the saree with oxidized butta earrings and a simple necklace.

Pragya Nagra - Black Georgette Saree
Pragya Nagra played the role of a Malayali girl opposite Jiiva in the Tamil film ‘Varalaru Mukkiyam’

Overall, Pragya Nagra looked stunning in her black georgette saree. The saree flattered her figure and the scalloped border added a touch of elegance to the look. Pragya’s makeup and hair were also on point, and she looked confident and stylish in whatever she wore. If you are looking for a saree that is both stylish and versatile, then a black georgette saree is a great option.

Source: Instagram

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